Cleaning and care with a system

Flooring treated with Osmo Hartwachs-Öl is easy to care – the wax in Hartwachs-Öl lies on the wood surface and protects it against the penetration of dirt and moisture.

So you can enjoy your wooden flooring for a long time, it is necessary to maintain this protective surface: the maintenance intervals generally depend on the amount of use and wear on the surface

1x a week:

Dust and lint are removed quickly and easily with the green Staubmop in Fußboden Reinigungsset.

Once a week, wooden flooring should be cleaned with a damp mop. Dirt and grime are optimally removed with the white Feuchtmop and a mixture of water and Osmo Wisch-Fix. Thanks to its natural oils, Wisch-Fix prevents the flooring from drying out. Remember: Avoid using aggressive all-purpose cleaners. Only use a slightly damp mop – not wet! If necessary, wipe dry.

2x a year:

If the wax layer has been worn away, also refresh walkways and high traffic areas with Osmo Wachspflege- und Reinigungsmittel twice a year. Alternatively Osmo Pflege-Öl can also be used.

After some years:

Intensive cleaning with Osmo Intensiv-Reiniger is usually recommended after some years. After the cleaning, recoat the floor 1x thinly with a Hartwachs-Öl.

Cleaning and care with a system