Aquatics Centre in London finished with Osmo
A specially created, modern Silver-Grey Effect from Osmo was chosen over other manufacturers in a fierce competition for the exterior design of the Olympic swimming pool in London.
The main goal of the design team was to create a beautiful natural silver-grey patina, normally caused by natural weathering, directly after installation.
The custom-made colour tone was used not only throughout the interior of the aquatics centre but also for the impressive and vast areas of exterior cladding. Photo: DPA

After construction began in 2009, it was clear that to meet the expectations of the architects involved in this immense project, as well as 21st century product requirements, would be no easy task. The result was a decision to create an immediate and durable Silver-Grey look on wooden elements, the finish needed to unify the beauty of naturally greyed wood with a modern touch fitting for such a stunning building.
Osmo, leading manufacturers and suppliers of modern natural wood finishes and wooden products for the home and garden as well as commercial projects, produced thousands of litres of the especially created finish in its Münster-based facility in Germany. Starting in spring 2010, until completion, more than 20,000 m² of wood in the Aquatics Centre has been finished with the especially developed colour tone. Both athletes and spectators enjoyed not only record-breaking action beneath a naturally beautiful silver-grey canopy, but also the impressive wave-formed exterior of the building.