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Wood meets colour

For a connection that lasts and protects. Wood and finishes from Osmo can be relied on. Thanks to our in-depth competence in both areas, we know what counts in wood products and finishes. Benefit from our experience.

Wood Wood

Wood that lasts. In 100 years a tree grows into solid quality. In 100 years’ company history, Osmo has gathered experience in proper handling of wood as a valuable raw material.

For the interior For the exterior
[Translate to English:] Produkthighlights Archiv 2022 DE
Colour Colour

Colour that protects. Only a microporous finish can preserve the natural beauty and durability of wood. Osmo is considered one of the pioneers of modern wood finishing systems based on oils and waxes.

For the interior For the exterior
[Translate to English:] Produkthighlights Archiv 2022 DE